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Carrot muffins cake/ How to make sweet muffin cake

Hi dear friend welcome to kukku's kitchen recipes..
     Here i explain how to make easy homemade muffins. we know about Muffins or it is a shorter sized cake. In my childhood i love to eat cup cakes that is other traditional version of muffins. in last month all my shopping time i am searching a attractive heart shaped muffins tray. every time sadly return home. last week i got the lovely that same day i try my first muffins preparation. It is successfully first attempt was Carrot muffin, serve cake to friends and neighbors they all reply good comments, so i shared recipe with you here. it is very easy home made muffins.Try this recipe and reply your comments &thanks for reading my post .
Ingredients and preparation methods are given below

Preparation time : 15 mins
Cooking time : 20 mins
Total time :35 min

Ingredients used for carrot muffin

  • Carrot:2 no's
  • All purpose flour : 1 &1/2cup
  • Sugar powder: 1 cup
  • Egg :2 no's
  • Baking powder:1 teaspoon
  • Milk :1/4 cup
  • Vegetable oil :1/4 cup
  • Dry raisins: handful of raisins
  • (that's optional you can use any dry fruits,its give more taste to muffins)
  • Vanilla powder : pinch of vanilla powder
  • Cake decor vermicelli : 5-6 pieces for each muffins(optional)

Preparation method of carrot muffins

Step 1: preheat the oven in 180 degree Celsius.

Step 2 : cut the carrot into small pieces using blender make it as a fine paste.

Step 2. In a large bowl sieve together all purpose flour,baking powder,vanilla powder then keep aside.

Step 3. Take another large bowl for beating egg &sugar powder mix it well.

Step 4.Then add milk and oil mix until all are combined.

Step 5. Add the mixed batter to sieved flour, then mix it well,you can use your beater and mix it well.

Step 6.Further add Carrot paste to cake batter & mix it ( make the cake batter in medium consistency ,that is not make loose batter)

Step 7.Take muffin tray ( i used silicon muffins tray ,you can also use nonstick trays. My own side i like silicon tray more than other once, because of its flexibility& safely get correct shape don't break shape of the mold inside the tray)

Step 8.Put some oil inside the tray, then transfer the batter to muffins tray. (don't fill fully batter in each space, only 3/4 part )

Step 9. Garnish the muffins with dry raisins, cake decor vermicel(sprinkle vermicelli in top of muffins batter, i used chocolate flavored cake decor vermicelli,)(optional)

Step 10: place the muffins tray preheated oven and bake the muffins in 15 to 20mins.

Step11.After that insert a toothpick or fork comes out clean ,it well cooked.

Step 12. Allow to cool,then serve sweet carrot muffins..


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